5 Ways to Make a Lasting Impression with Your Customers

If making a positive lasting impression with customers feels elusive, it’s probably time to focus your efforts somewhere else. There are efficient ways to make good impressions at every stage of the business cycle, but it can be challenging to recognize these opportunities and then act to take advantage of them.
Sometimes it’s easy to spot a specific moment that can be tied to an engaging event and put your name in front of a whole new audience of prospective customers. For all the moments in between, keep in mind five rules of thumb that can help shine a better light on a struggling brand.
1. Show Customers You Learn From Your Mistakes
It has been said that people remember how others make them feel much longer than they remember what was said to them. Apply that philosophy to your brand’s behavior and you will master at least part of your game – and retain loyal customers. Everyone makes mistakes. So do companies. What customers don’t forgive is a brand that refuses to learn or improve.
There are plenty of real-world cautionary tales of avoidable branding missteps that can serve as teachable moments for the rest of us. Unnecessary brand reinventions. Tone deaf attempts at advertising. Remember Juicero’s failed foray into juice-squeezing technology? It could have been walked back had the company recognized its error. Instead of digging your heels in when times get tough, show potential and current customers that you get it and are willing to evolve when the chance presents itself.
2. Get Professional Help from a Marketing Expert
One common mistake that businesses with limited resources make is trying to do all of their marketing and advertising under one roof. They overlook the power of outsourcing in today’s world, not realizing that handing over these time-consuming tasks frees up hours they can use to expand on what they already do well.
A whole range of solutions can help create and maintain the impression you want, which is why more companies are employing the services of a qualified branding professional to fill in the gaps. When you partner with HYPTE, you get more than marketing assistance. You outsource a range of tasks to experts that would otherwise become major distractions:
- Branding Services
- Marketing
- Consulting
- Merchandise Development
- Warehouse Fulfillment
- Logo Design
- Logistics
3. Use Branded Merchandise and Experiences More Creatively
Hoping to save money, companies will often select cheap product manufacturers to produce caps, totes, and other branded merchandise, unaware of what they want and need. The problem is that expectations have risen in this area. Savvy consumers can tell when businesses cut corners by ordering cheap T-shirts, useless trinkets and other substandard products.
An experienced branding expert knows which methods can help businesses outshine the competition. Combining humor, a multilayered approach, and unique, memorable ideas is one way to accomplish that. Take a look at how HYPTE used branded motorized scooters and leveraged its relationships with the media to promote Coors Light during one campaign. It’s that level of professional creativity that companies need to strive for if they want their campaigns to make a splash instead of a whimper.
4. Improve Your Customer Service: Be a Leader
As much as customers want to be heard, they appreciate and need leadership – more than you might think. According to one analysis reported in the Wall Street Journal, the vast majority of shoppers preferred customer service reps who were “outspoken and opinionated,” qualities that the same study showed are almost always overlooked during the hiring process. You are the expert in what you offer, and your target audience needs to see that as well.
5. Consult with HYPTE About Better Marketing Solutions for Your Brand
Cool new swag can often be a fun, cost-effective way to stay top of mind. But at HYPTE Branded Solutions, we recognize that a lot more goes into discerning what your needs are and what combination of methods are a match for your long-term goals. That’s why each project starts with a thorough consultation to find out as much as we can about each specific client.
Contact HYPTE online for more information about what we offer, or talk to a branding specialist at 708-343-9730 today to find out how your future campaigns can leave the impression you’ve always wanted for your brand.